PHP Tutorials [Easy PHP Nav,the i-frame of the future or something]

OK after many email request I finally got this up,its the way I have my navigation, and this isn't really know PHP its just a code ONE CODE now I learned how to do my nav from a tutorial made, so now I'm writing this one an maybe just MAYBE you can get this the first time

OK first I'm going to show you the code,ready?
switch($id) {
break; case "blah":
break; case "blah2":
break; case "blah3":
break; case "blah4":
break; case "blah5":


Now that seems easy right? Well it is but before we go any further MAKE SURE YOUR HOST SUPPORTS PHP ,if it doesn't well close this page now or find a host that does...

The Steps:
- The first thing you need to do is copy this file for the php coding (don't copy that coding above).
- Now if your confused maybe about the coding itself let me break it down
switch($id) {
---put the url for ur newspro or something
break; case "blah":
----put the name u want the page to be an same for the rest
----put the url for another page an same for the rest
break; case "blah2":
break; case "blah3":
break; case "blah4":
break; case "blah5":

Now you can of course make this longer by just adding this at the end an for common sense sake put it after:
break; case "blah5":

and for common sense sake put it above:

- OK now that u have the code u need to insert it where u would put your news or like if u had an i-frame replace the i-frame code the the php coding ,then save the page an name it yourpage.php
- Got that?..ok now for your links put this as the link "?id=default" now the name must correspond with your coding
ex: if
break; case "blah":

for the link it would be <a href="?id=blah">blah</a> and it would take u to the blah1.htm page.
Now you just need to upload yourpage.phpan it DOESN'Thave to be upload in ASCII, but it doesn't matter.
OK now that's basically it ,an really all I can explain BUT I wont leave you it the cold so just d/l the example here

If you find this information inaccurate or have questions post in the forums